Dr. Donald A. Ozello, DC


8871 W. Flamingo Rd, Suite 202, Las Vegas, NV 89147  Phone: 702-286-9040

Chiropractic Treatment for a Herniated Disc  
Chiropractic treatment is effective for a wide range of conditions including a bulging intervertebral disc and a herniated intervertebral disc. Chiropractic care is drug-free, surgery-free functional medicine. The primary objective of Chiropractic treatment is to restore proper skeletal motion and optimize nerve flow to maximize the body’s healing capabilities.....

Chiropractic Treatement for Sciatica  
Sciatica is a common reason people seek chiropractic treatment. Impingement of the sciatic nerve results in the severe symptoms of sciatica, so chiropractic treatment attempts to eliminate the source of sciatica by decreasing the nerve compression. Chiropractic adjustments attempt to lessen nerve impingement by reestablishing correct skeletal biomechanics. Optimal joint motion and unimpeded nerve flow maximizes the body's healing capabilities and increases function, thus promoting health and decreasing symptoms....

Exercises to Combat Sciatica  
Stretch to lessen the symptoms and eliminate the source of sciatica. Target the gluteal muscles, especially the piriformis muscle, to alleviate the debilitating effects of sciatica. Impingement of the sciatic nerve by the piriformis muscle is a common source of sciatica. Stretch the piriformis muscle to decrease its tautness and lessen its pressure on the sciatic nerve....

Foam Rolling to Overcome Sciatica  
Use the foam roller as a tool to help eliminate the source and lessen the symptoms of sciatica. Foam roll the piriformis muscle to decrease tension and lessen nerve impingement. The foam roller is a cylindrical piece of hard foam. The foam roller is a piece of rehabilitation equipment that reduces muscle tightness and expedites recovery. It is available in several lengths and densities....

Thoracic Outlet Syndrome  
Pain, numbness, tingling, and weakness in your upper extremities may be a result of thoracic outlet syndrome (TOS). This condition stems from impingement on a network of nerves called the brachial plexus or impingement of the large blood vessels that accompany this bundle of nerves....

Nerve Slide Exercises for Thoracic Outlet Syndrome  
Perform nerve slide motion exercises to help eliminate the sources and lessen the symptoms of thoracic outlet syndrome (TOS). Combat this potentially debilitating condition with the consistent utilization of nerve slide exercises. Nerve slides are non-exertion, non-resistance motion exercises used to treat upper extremity nerve impingement syndromes caused by scar tissue encasement. Thoracic outlet syndrome stems from impingement on a network of nerves called the brachial plexus....

Chiropractic Care for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome  
Chiropractic treatment is effective for a wide range of conditions including carpal tunnel syndrome. Chiropractic care is drug-free, surgery-free functional medicine. The primary objective of Chiropractic treatment is to restore proper skeletal motion and optimize nerve flow to maximize the body’s natural healing capabilities....

Nerve Slide Exercises for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome & Cubital Tunnel Syndrome  
Nerve slide exercises decrease nerve entrapment. Slides are gentle motion exercises for the upper extremity. Performed correctly and consistently nerve slide exercises lessen symptoms of nerve impingement conditions by eliminating the source....