Nutrient Toxicity and Deficiency

Balance your diet and supplement intake to prevent nutrient toxicity and deficiency. Numerous medical conditions and symptoms originate from vitamin and mineral toxicity or deficiency. Prevent these unnecessary conditions with proper nutrition and correct supplementation.

Develop nutritional strategies that provide a plethora of vitamins and minerals. Consume a wide array of foods to supply your body all the essential nutrients. Utilize supplementation to fill in the gaps to further prevent micro-nutrient deficiency.

Vitamin C: The most well-known vitamin deficiency is vitamin C. Scurvy results from the lack of vitamin C intake. Centuries ago doctors determined that sailors at sea acquired scurvy due to limited intake of citrus fruits.

Vitamin C deficiency is easily negated with the consumption of fruits and green leafy vegetables. Eat healthy foods like oranges, grapefruits, guava and Brussels sprouts to increase your vitamin C intake.

Toxicity of vitamin C usually occurs from over supplementation. Vitamin C is a water soluble vitamin which is washed out of the body when an excessive amount is present. The main symptom of Vitamin C toxicity is a temporary case of diarrhea.

Vitamin D: Deficiency of vitamin D is theorized to be a contributing factor to several potential debilitating disorders. Longstanding vitamin D deficiency is linked to rickets, multiple sclerosis (MS) and osteopenia. Vitamin D is naturally present in only a handful of foods. Ocean caught cold-water fish is the best food source of vitamin D.

Eat salmon, tuna or mackerel two to four times a week to increase your vitamin D intake. Several common foods are fortified with vitamin D. Consume fortified eggs, milk and orange juice to raise your intake of vitamin D.

Receive medical testing if you believe you are vitamin D deficient. If testing reveals a deficiency a medical professional can recommend several options for vitamin D supplementation.

The best source of vitamin D is sunshine. Ten to 15 minutes of skin expose to direct sunlight during non-peak hours provides a healthy quantity of vitamin D.   

Iron: A common mineral deficiency involves iron. This multi-functioning mineral functions mostly in the blood. Females in their productive years are most prone to iron deficiency. Individuals who consume an excessive amount of antacids are also susceptible to iron deficiency.

Symptoms of iron deficiency include fatigue, weakness and inability to concentrate. Low amounts of iron may lead to anemia. Iron containing foods include soybeans, lentils, spinach and venison. Eat a healthy amount of iron containing foods.

Iron toxicity mainly occurs from excessive iron supplementation. Acute iron poisoning can be deadly. Symptoms include shock, nausea and vomiting.

Chronic iron toxicity symptoms include loss of appetite, fatigue and weight loss. In recent years excess iron intake and storage are theorized to be contributing factors in the development of heart disease, cancer and rheumatoid arthritis.

Iron deficiency and toxicity can lead to serious health conditions. Work with a registered dietician or medical professional who specializes in nutrition to determine your nutritional and supplementation strategies for iron consumption.

Nutritional Strategies: In most cases nutrient toxicity and deficiency is preventable. Develop a dietary plan containing an assortment of different foods. Vary your diet as much as possible to prevent under intake or over intake of specific nutrients.

Do not get caught up in the hype that one healthy food should be eaten in abundance over other healthy foods. Select a wide spectrum of healthy foods. Prepare your food in a variety of forms. Ensure you get all required nutrients to prevent deficiency.

Dietary Journal: Maintain a dietary journal. Be as detailed as possible. Record foods and supplements consumed, amounts taken in and how the foods were prepared.  

Review your notes on a regular basis. This valuable information provides insight to the prevention and management of nutrient deficiencies and toxicities. A detailed dietary journal allows you to notice the frequency of your consumption of each food.

Adjust your intake accordingly to combat over consumption of a specific food. Amend your nutritional strategies if you detect a lack of a specific food or food group.

Supplementation: Proper supplementation benefits athletes and non-athletics at all fitness and health levels. Too much of a good thing can lead to negative consequences. Ingesting excessive quantities of individual nutrients through supplementation leads to nutrient level imbalances and symptoms.

Replacing real food with supplementation is a mistake. Most fruits and vegetables contain nutrients in the levels which man has consumed for generations. Supplements are exactly what their name implies. They are supplemental additions to proper nutrition.

Avoid preventable individual nutrient toxicity by incorporating supplementation when necessary. Choose food-based supplements to enhance your health and to prevent toxicity of micro-nutrients.

Supplements generated from certified organic whole foods contain micro-nutrients in their natural states and balances. The nutrients within foods work synergistically to provide the tools the body needs to achieve and maintain optimum health.

Certified organic whole foods and supplements contain the desired micro-nutrients with their co-factors and precursors. Co-factors are micro-nutrients that work independently but alongside the desired micro-nutrient. Precursors act as catalysts to the micro-nutrients. The nutrients, co-factors and precursors function synergistically to complete their objectives.

Prevent and manage nutrient toxicity and deficiency to live a healthier and fitter life. Devise a dietary plan containing a wide variety of healthy foods. Maintain healthy nutrient levels by incorporating nutritional and supplementation strategies to coincide with your current dietary needs. 

Dr Donald A Ozello DC of Championship Chiropractic in Las Vegas, NV

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**Disclaimer: Always consult a medical professional before beginning an exercise program. Always work within your capabilities. Never perform an exercise that elicits or increases pain or symptoms. Reading this article and viewing the linked videos does not take the place of seeing a medical professional. Please visit a medical professional for evaluation, diagnosis & treatment.

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