Lower Back Health

Develop lifelong lower back health with consistent exercise, proper lifting technique and correct movement patterns. Lower back strength, stability, flexibility and stamina are essential for posture, fitness and functionality.

Serious lower back injuries may be debilitating. Lose of strength, motion and function in the lower spine is life altering and career threatening.

Anatomy: In medical … Read the rest

Neck Health

Build lifelong neck health with exercise and proper positioning. Neck strength, flexibility, stamina and motion are vital for proper upper body posture and motion.

Neck pain is performance limiting and troublesome at every age and profession. Serious neck injuries have the potential to be debilitating and career ending for athletes and non-athletes.

Anatomy: In medical … Read the rest

Neck Pain

Neck Pain (Chapter 27 of Running: Maximize Performance & Minimize Injuries by Dr Donald A Ozello DC)

Prevent neck pain while running to increase performance. Incorporate several simple guidelines to prevent the occurrence or worsening of neck pain when running. Injury prevention is easier, faster and less expensive than injury rehabilitation. Neck pain is more … Read the rest

Spine Health: Contrast Therapy

Combine cold therapy and heat therapy to improve healing. Reduce swelling, decrease pain, lessen muscle tightness and improve your spinal health by merging cold and heat therapy.

      Contrast therapy is the medical name for the combination of cold and heat therapies. This extremely effective form of passive, non-invasive self-treatment can be executed several ways.… Read the rest

Spine Health: Heat Therapy

Apply heat to decrease muscle tension and reduce pain. Proper heat therapy application expedites healing.

      Heat is effective on the spine, torso and extremities. Heat is a common and useful form of passive, non-invasive self-treatment.

      Heat therapy dilates the blood vessels and increases circulation. The increased blood flow deliveries additional nutrients for healing … Read the rest

Spine Health: Cold Therapy

Utilize cold therapy properly if pain or injury occur. Correct ice pack usage is imperative to the healing process and injury recovery.

      Ice is effective on the spine and the extremities. Ice is one of the most common and most useful types of passive, non-invasive therapy.

      Ice or cold therapy is named cryotherapy. … Read the rest

Chiropractic Treatment for Runners

(Chapter 42 of Running: Maximize Performance & Minimize Injuries by Dr Donald A Ozello DC)

      Chiropractic treatment and running are a perfect complement. Runners of all levels require their body to function at its highest capacity. 

      Chiropractic treatment maximizes the body’s healing capability and enhances function by re-establishing proper skeletal motion Read the rest

Chiropractic Treatment and Sports

Chiropractic treatment and sports go hand in hand. They are a perfect complement to each other. Athletes of all levels and sports require their bodies to function at its highest capabilities. Chiropractic maximizes the body’s healing capacity and enhances function by re-establishing proper skeletal motion and optimizing nerve flow.

     An impressive list of athletes … Read the rest

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